Top 5 Wednesday: Hidden Gems/ Your tbr needs them if you have not already found them

January 31, 2018

*Scroll for English version

Има толкова много книги, които се надценяват или се възхваляват от всички, а феновете и картинките за тях са безброй много. Но има и такива, които кротко си стоято в ъгъла и чакат някой да ги вземе и прочете.

Днешната тема на Топ 5 е именно за онези книги, които са хубави, пък не са известни сред читателите. 
Нека да започваме ...

1. Последните оцелели - Сюзан Бет Пфефър.
Спомням си какви предубеждения имах за нея, когато ми беше пратена. Със започването ѝ те се разбиха на пух и прах. Толкова много ми хареса, че дори това беше най-лестното ревю за писане в живота ми. Е, не във всяка книга одобрявам докрай изборите на героите, можеше и по-добре да са. Но антиутопичната обстановка ми е фаворит и е истинско приключение от начало до край.
Усещам, че българите сякаш стоят на страна от нея, а не трябва, тъй като наистина си заслужава.

2. The Crown's Game - Evelyn Skye.
Прочетох я едва наскоро, но това не пречи да не я добавя, защото тя е именно за този списък. Поне аз не виждам и чувам хората да говорят за нея много, много. А, тя е чудесна. Става въпрос за историческо фентъзи, но невероятна магия, притежавана от точно определен човек. Е, в случая са двама и от там започва интригата в историята. Кулминацията ме просълзи. Невероятен обрат. Това, за което се използват силите им обаче е повече от удивително. Ако още не сте я прочели - мисля, че е време.

3. The Chemical Garden - Lauren DeStefano. 
Гледам един цитат от точно тази поредица да обикаля фейсбука на българите. Но едва ли повечето са я чели. Не е хич известна, поне според мен, а трябва. Може би, защото времето на този тип книги мина, но ако сте почитатели на антиутопиите, то е задължително да я прочетете. Говорила съм няколко пъти за нея в блога, а има и ревю. Накратко: Напредването в технологиите се е върнало към хората и вместо да живеят по-дълго, те са останали с продължителност на живота: 20 за жените, 25 - за мъжете. А, когато Рейн бива отвлечена и продадена като жена, която трябва да роди наследство нанякой, който не познава, а още по-малко харесва - нещата не могат да се объркат повече. И да добавя, че тя има само 4 години живот още.

4. Dorothy Must Die - Danielle Paige.
Знаете ли колко малко картинки намирам за поредицата в Tumblr? Броят се на пръстите на ръцете ми. А, светът е прекрасен. Или поне за мен. Това че е нагоре с краката още повече ми харесва, защото Дороти е един от най-добрите злодеи. Пълен психопат. Напълно типично, всъщност. Още една книга, която имам чувството, че хората заобикалят по пътя си.

5. Ридание и Балада - Маги Стийвотър.
Разбира се, че ще включа и първите ми книги, които прочетох по собствено желание. Дотогава не бях чела и фентъзи.
Имам усещането, че много хора игнорират книгите на авторката. Защо?! Тези две книги ми дадоха достатъчно емоции и безсънни нощи за студеното ми сърце. Авторката има чудесен стил и интересни идеи.


You know how is it with some books, on your way to a hyped book, you found them hidden in the corner patiently waiting for somebody to pick them up because they are too shy to do it themselves. And when you choose them BOOM magic happens.  

Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is exactly about those books that are gems not known well by the public. Basically, they're so rare that if you missed them you might miss a lot. It's about books in your favorite genre but I'm gonna do it for books from different genres. Let's start ... 

1. Last Survivors series by Susan Beth Pfeffer. 
That's the first book that comes to my mind when it comes about this kind of books. Maybe some of the character's choices in the story need an upgrade but the rest of it is so captivating. I couldn't leave the book. I was glued to it. It's about a time when a meteor knocks the Moon and move it a little away from her orbit, closer to the Earth. Then the "fun" starts. Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic ash that hides the Sun. And a family that does everything to survives.
I feel like not so many people know about it, or are ignoring it. Big mistake.

2. The Crown's Game series by Evelyn Skye.
I feel like this needs more attention to how absolutely wonderful the story is made. It's amazing. It's a historical fantasy, but so much more cool and "modern". We have these abilities in the two of characters that are used to create incredible things and many bakeries. So food also takes place in the book.

3.The Chemical Garden trilogy by Lauren DeStefano.
The only Dystopian series I love. It was a love from the first page. The idea is original and unique. Karma gets to humankind and makes it live til 25 years of age for the men and 20 for the women. So guess what is like to know when you're gonna die. And somebody decides you to kidnap you and sell you as a bribe so his son can have a legacy. Oh, and all the continents are nowhere to be found, we have only a little part of North America that still lives.
The series is not famous even around the Dystopian genre.Maybe those kind of books are out of style anymore but for the people that still want to read something like it - is perfect or anybody that's want something different.
4. Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige. 
This series needs way more edits on Tumblr than it has right now. We are talking about Oz here the most wonderful place of all in the literature world, or at least for me. But everything is upside down in it. Good is wicked, Wicked is good. Dorothy is a psychotic villain that rules from the throne and as the title says needs to be killed. Only if it was as easy to do it...
Again another book that get's kinda ignored by the people. I don't know why but for the rest of us who read it and like it, it's a treasure.

5. "Lament" and "Ballad" by Maggie Stiefvater.
Of course I'm going to include my first fantasy series which is not finished. I need that third book even though the second one has a perfect ending, and doesn't need anything to get a conclusion, but still.
Anyway, another feeling of mine tells me that Stiefvater's book are getting kinda ignored or people just like to go around them when they meet them. Why?! The author has an amazing style and her ideas are great as well. 

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  1. I have copies of The Crown's Game, The Chemical Garden trilogy and Dorothy Must Die series and I have not read any of them. And they sound so amazing and I have no clue why I haven't read them. I've never heard of Lament or Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater and I've just started reading The Raven Boys. I'll definitely check out those books as well. Thanks for sharing! Happy reading!

    1. Lamen and Ballad are first books so the style is kinda not so developed but they're still interesting to read :) I have The Raven Boys for a couple of months and haven't read it. Soon. FOr sure you need to give The Crown's Game a chance. It's so magical and beautiful. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. For a moment there, I was worried ta I would not be able to read :D hahaha

    What's weird is that I haven't even HEARD about most of these, apart from Dorothy Must Die! Go figure :) I guess I'll have to look into them. The Chemical Garden trilogy sounds cool. Although it's weird that women live shorter? Usually they live longer xD

    1. Yes, that was weird for me as well but later in the book is explained why is it this way. :) Hope you find something that is interesting enough to give it a chance. :) Thank you for stopping by!
