10 Bookish Settings I'd Love To Visit || Top Ten Tuesday

December 05, 2017

Hello, little things from the internet, that have decided to lose a little of your time on my blog!
Thank you for doing that!

Now let's get straight to the point of today's post. It's Tuesday so that means I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Today's topic is a really fun one and hopefully, I can make it to 10 this time. (fingers crossed)
I personally love traveling around even though I'm getting bored on long flights. (What are they expect me to do 8 hours in the air with those movies and music? and let's not start with the disgusting food.) So if I had a chance to travel into the literature universes you probably won't see me again. I'll show up from time to time tho, don't worry. If I have free time and that's to be considered.

Without further ado, let's get started with that list. Here we go ...

sabrina the teenage witch christmas GIF by HULU

1. The World of Throne of Glass.
You either love that series or you hate it. There's no middle here, friend. But you at least have to keep in mind that the world is so worth it. They have wyverns there, and nature that can kill you if you're not well prepared. In spite of all of that, you have to consider travel to the Northern and Southern Continent. The only bummer is the lack of cell phones or any modern technology. A couple of days won't do any harm to your social life. You can spend them with Dorian and Fleetfoot, or devour all the food in Adarlan's castle. The choice is yours.

steve urkel oops GIF

2. ACOTAR world.
If I get Feyre out of the picture I'd enjoy that place and especially The Dawn Court. The color scheme there is aesthetically pleasing that I could only imagine what kind of photos can be taken over there. *heart eyes emoji* all the way to the Dawn Court. After that on the list is the Summer Court my previous favorite. 

I love every single thing in here. If I could live anywhere real or fiction world I'd choose that location. It's so wonderful. Russian folklore, traditions, buildings, etc. are my all time favorite. If I survive there would be cool as well tho.

4. OZ.
Okay, maybe that is my favorite literature world of all since I was in school. It's so weird and colorful. All of the strange creatures and then you have "Dorothy Must Die" and your willingness to see it get bigger. Just hope that you won't meet any witches on your tour because then you'll be running for your life. Trouble all the way. 

5. DiscsWorld.
I mean, it's the most creative world of all. How you can pass it?! Is that even legal? I couldn't miss an opportunity like this, don't know about you. It's a freakin flat disc balanced on the backs of four elephants which in turn stand on the back of a giant turtle and it's moving through space. Where else you can experience something like this?! Also, the people, and creatures, you meet there, are so much fun. Or at least some of them.

6. The Crown's Game. 
It's Russia, people. And as I said just a minute ago, I love everything about it. Plus here we have enchanters and delicious FOOD!!! And let's not forget about the magical benches that can transfer you to different places all around Russia! 

7. The Londons (ADSOM World)
If you see me somewhere talking about the Londons it means A Darker Shade of Magic. Personally, I'm not a fan of London at all but V. E. Schwab makes me want to go and see the fiction one so much. Preferably the Red One but there is something creepy in the White One that so tempting. 

8. The Selection Series. 
I want to see the future and try those strawberry tarts!! I think I've said enough here. 
Let's move on to the next one....

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9.IXIA (Poison study series)
It was love from the first look at the map. I love the world building here is so different, but still interesting, and there is a good representation of feminism in it, so why not?! 

10. The Caster Chronicles. 
I'm picking this one because of Amma and the food she can cook for me. That's enough of an argument I think. Food is life and Amma is a goddess! 

It'd have been cool if I didn't choose some of the places because of their food but it's all done right now ... 

Q: what bookish place you want to see? and do you like to read books about the future or no? 

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  1. The Grishaverse, with its Russian air, is SUCH a complex and beautiful world! I'd love to visit it too, especially because of all of the historical elements that were woven into its making. The Crown's Game was a FANTASTIC book! I'm totally obsessed with Russia and I will probably visit it soon. It's so exciting! Great post!

    1. One big YES to everything you've said. I want to go to Russia as well there is so many things to see there. :) Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Nice list! I haven't read the Poison study books yet, but I'd like to. Thanks for visiting my post!

    1. Thank you very much! For sure if you're wondering what to read next Poison study is a good choice. :)

  3. I would love to visit Oz. So weird and wonderful.

  4. Totally agree with the ACOTAR world! I got specific and used Velaris but almost any of the courts would be wonderful. I considered the Grishaverse but since I've only read the first book so far I decided I don't know enough about it yet. And we both had The Crown's Game and the Selection worlds... love it! :)

    1. Yes, almost any of them. I have love-hate relatioship with some characters that I'd rather not see :D You have to continue on with the Grisha trilogy. Russian folklore and everything that is about it is wonderful. :) Thank you for the comment!

  5. I completely agree with ACOTAR! It might be one of the best worlds out there. The world of Throne of Glass though. I want to go but, then again, I probably wouldn't make it, haha. So excited to see Ixia on a list, it was pretty interesting.
    Great list!

    Thanks for visiting my blog,
    Elena @ The Novelistics

    1. Aww, thank you so much. Ixia is interesting by itself as well. Erilea is not so scary you just have to be friends with the right people, and don't go out most of the time hehehe but otherwise is great. :)

  6. Red London would be an awesome place to visit.

    1. For sure. But the White is the place that I want to see more. Thank you for stopping by :)

  7. You're reminding me that I need to finally revisit Poison Study and finish that series. It's so underrated. Grishaverse is also a great setting I'd love to visit.

    1. I need to read the rest of the books as well. You are right, it's way underrated!!! As I said a couple of times by now Grishaverse is a must :) Thank you for the comment!

  8. I had Red London from ADSOM and Velaris from ACOMAF on my list this week!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/top-ten-tuesday-136/

    1. That's great. I'll check your list right now. Thank you! :)

  9. SO many great choices I didn't think of! The world from The Crown's Game is definitely so intriguing and so is the Throne of Glass world :)

  10. Great list. Wish I had thought to include Oz on my list this week!

  11. Ohh yes I love some of these! I am DEFINITELY a fan of Red London.😂 I want to go so bad!! And also own a coat that's magical like Kell's!! #LifeGoals And I think The Crown's Game world would be fantastic with all the magic and bakeries and gorgeous settings. 😍 I'd say I'd like to go to Ketterdam but I think I'd just end up murdered in some alley ahha. I will leave that to Kaz.😂

    1. That's why in Ketterdam you need protectors/friends because you don't know what is going to happen :D Ohhh, the bakeries yummm hehehe.

  12. I'd love to visit the Grishaverse - that would be so much fun! xD Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post and choices! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. Thank you very much for stopping by! And yess Grishaverse is one of the best literary worlds. :)
