Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Books I didn't get to in 2018
December 11, 2018Hello, everybody!
December is here?! Excited? Yes. Terrified? Also yes.
I wanted to read so many books these past months. I actually kinda did but my tbr has not changed even a bit. That thing grew bigger. It did it behind my back, again.
So here's the list for the books that have been on my shelf for a while now. For some of them, I don't have a proper explanation so I'm just going to hide behind my tbr and complain.
Information about Top 5 Tuesday - HERE :)
1. Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amy Kaufman.
Okay, I want to hide somewhere because of that. It stays unread for 2 years and a half at this very moment. Literally.
I've been trying to get to it but there are other books that are coming and are making me read them first.
By the end of the next year, I'll finish the trilogy. Pinky promise.
2. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo.
Here's a little hint: This list is only getting worse.
But let's start laughing now. Shame, shame, shame. I know.
But the reason is that I don't want it to end. Still, when King of Scars comes out I had to be finished with this one.
3.The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.
And now it's time when I should probably hide somewhere for real...
I can feel it.
Anyway, back to this beautiful book. In my defense (pathetic!) I've read 50 pages of that book and then ...
Well, you can see what happened.
4. City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty.
I feel so bad that I haven't read this book yet because I've been hearing so many good things about it. And the cover is just *heart eyes*
For sure I'm going to read it in the next few months as well. Another promise here.
5. Vicious by V.E.Shwab.
This one I've ordered in September so it's not so big of a deal.
I love V.E.Schwab's writing so much and her books are so bloodily great that cannot wait to get to this one.
As you can see the shame has covered this post. I know I'm not the only one in this. We've been there and some of us are still crawling through our tbr pile. Will we see it end soon? Probably not. Will we give up? No way.
How is your tbr pile doing? Did you try at least to make it smaller? Or is it going to fall on you one day when you least expect it?